Thursday, 16 June 2011

GCSE English - teaching Non-fiction text with Gaga!

Have a go at this exercise that takes students through analysing a book extract, including opportunities to develop reading and writing non-fiction.  This one is about Lady Gaga's book, Extreme Style and is suitable for students working towards a Grade C.  Here's the first bit and then you can download the complete resource below.

This text begins with two direct quotations from the pop star Lady Gaga.

‘I would rather die than have my fans not see me in a pair of high heels.’
‘You see legendary people taking out their trash. I think it’s destroying show business.’

1) Think carefully about these opinions. What does Lady Gaga mean when she refers to ‘legendary people taking out their trash’? What is her point of view on the world of celebrity?

The writer uses the quotations as a starting point and then develops her argument in her own words, using statement sentences. Think about how useful the quotations are in helping the argument get underway.

Download the complete resource here to use in your classroom:
Source document
Student activities
Teacher notes

Collins Education Blog
Activity from Jo Heathcote's Non-fiction for GCSE Teacher Pack

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